Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Crochet Anyone?

Recently, my friend/sister-in-law, Erin, taught me how to crochet. I've seen some of the things she has made (as well as things my other relatives and friends have made) and thought if they could do it, maybe I could. Ava wanted to try and learn too, so she came along with me to pick up Erin. We went to the local fabric store to purchase some supplies. Soon after, we were headed to Erin’s house to get started right away. First, I needed to learn how to make the slipknot: easy right? Ha! Not so! I think we spent about a half-hour just on that part. Who knew making a knot could be so hard? I was worried that maybe I was incapable of this crochet stuff. I’m not known for having much patience, but I plugged along anyway. Ava struggled as well and soon became bored. I think she expected it to be a speedy process. She was hoping to walk out of there with her very own handmade purse; that definitely wasn’t going to happen. Defeated by the needle, Ava thought it was time for her to go home. Steve picked her up, which left me with the rest of the night to try to produce some kind of result. I was taught the basic single chain, a double chain, and some other things that I can’t even remember. I can say that I do know what a single and double chain is, but ask me anything else, and I’m still clueless. I did manage to make a few things. I don’t know what they are, so I let Ava have them. She was happy I brought home something, and I'm sure she'll find a use for them. I do hope to get a little better with practice, so I can actually make something notable.

Here are my creations...try not to laugh. ;-)
This was supposed to be the start of a purse, but as you can see, the ends never quite matched up. I started over on a new one; it's turning out a little better.

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