Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Enjoying the Outdoors

We had a few nice days of weather last week, and we tried to take advantage of it! On our walk Drake found a feather in a tree. Good thing I had the camera with me! I just love seeing the beauty of nature. A friend had invited us to come along with her and her kids to walk on a trail. The ground was still very mushy, but it was so nice to be out in the fresh air.

The kids found deer tracks in the squishy ground.

We can't wait until summer when we'll be able to do more exploring without the mud. We really like this trail alot and have always managed to see some kind of wildlife on it.
Once we saw this cute little crayfish crawling along the path.
Another time we saw a snake.We have also seen a snapping turtle, wild turkeys, frogs, and birds. That's the fun part about this trail, you never know what you will see next!

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