Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sonlight Catalog 2009

I have been waiting quite some time for the new 2009 Sonlight catalog to arrive. I heard the news on the forum that they were sent out on St. Patrick’s Day, which had me scavenging through the mail each day for the past week. My excitement for next year’s curriculum is hard to contain. I've been reading countless reviews, scanning the Sonlight forum, and searching for sample pages of various books. Yay! The catalog finally arrived on Tuesday, March 24 and to our surprise, Drake and Ava were in it!
Each year Sonlight asks people to participate in their photo contest. They pick the top three or four photos for people to vote on; the winner gets to be on the cover and receives a $500.00 Sonlight gift certificate. They pick from the other photos sent in and sprinkle as many as they can throughout the catalog. I didn’t expect to see ours in there! I’m glad I decided to send a picture in. The kids thought it was really cool!

Home School Curriculum - Your complete home school curriculum program resource.


Wishful Acres Farm said...

That's so awesome! Really! They're famous. You should definitely laminate a copy of the page to keep. I can't wait to get our copy in the mail and show the boys the picture of their famous cousins. Now hopefully the kids don't let their brush with fame go to their heads, lol.

Luke Holzmann said...

That's very cool! Congratulations [smile].


Chris said...

That is so cool! :O) I got my catalog, but haven't had a chance to look through it yet. Can't wait to see your kids faces in it!!
