Today was a beautiful day! The kids and I were able to get outdoors and enjoy the sun. I thought it would be fun to have them keep a nature journal. Charlotte Mason recommends that children have this type of journal, so they can draw everything they see in nature. It will help them later as a reference and would be something fun to look back on.
They quickly gathered their art books, pencils, and colored pencils and hurried outside. We took a walk around our house to see if we could find anything interesting to draw. I felt slightly limited since we live in town. I think a park or somewhere out in the country would have more to offer. Though it is only early spring, and everything (no matter where we go) is still a little brown and most plants are just now starting to shoot up out of the ground. However, we do have some crocus flowers in our front yard. I just had to ask them to draw those.
They are so pretty!
I know it's not quite Mason's teaching; I should have let them choose what they wanted to draw. Next time I'll let them pick anything they want. This time it was my choice. ;-) As they worked on their drawings, we heard lots of birds chirping and saw a few cardinals. It was quite enjoyable to do something different for a change. We also took our Miniature Magnifier/Microscope outside with us. I love that thing! We looked at our chive plants, sand, seeds, moss, and a worm. ~Drake's picture~
His drawing focused on showing not only the flowers but the bush beside them too. He was careful to draw nature exactly as he saw it.
~Ava's picture~
Her drawing focused directly on the flower and also included detail of the crumbled leaves that were scattered around on the ground.
Her drawing focused directly on the flower and also included detail of the crumbled leaves that were scattered around on the ground.
I hope to incorporate more fun days like this into our school!
What a great idea! Their pictures are so pretty!
Yeah, I would like to say it was my own original idea, but it's not. It is fun for the kids though.
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