On April 3rd we took a field trip with our homeschool group to see Act 3 of the Sleeping Beauty Ballet. We are quite familiar with ballets since Ava was in a ballet class for a while and performed in the Nutcracker back in December 2008. This time we thought she would enjoy a different perspective being in the audience. It was nice!
The theatre was beautiful inside!
This is the ceiling in the hall.
This is a dragon.
Ava was excited to see the show! She loved the fancy costumes and the pointe shoes.
I assume this is the typical look you'll get when you take men to a ballet. ;-) Hee...hee... But really, Steve actually does enjoy seeing ballets you just don't see that here.
Steve and Drake could hardly contain themselves!
I liked the castle look inside-very cool!
Wow! I haven't seen the inside of the Coronado since they renovated it. It's gorgeous! Love the picture of Steve & Drake.
Ava's coat is so cute! Did you get that on your shopping excursion that day?
It is beautiful inside! Actually Ava's coat is from Grandma. I think she found it at a garage sale. ;-)
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