Friday, May 15, 2009

Midway Village Museum

On May 5th we visited Midway Village. It was our first time going, so it was interesting.

Here is a description taken right from their website:

"The museum is a Victorian Village (1890 to 1910) of 24 historical buildings filled with artifacts of the era as well as several beautiful 19th century gardens. Interpreters in authentic period dress are available seasonally for guided tours. The main museum building holds a number of permanent exhibits reflecting Rockford's history and culture that include The Girls of Summer: Rockford Peaches of the AAGPBL, Queen City of the Prairies: Rockford's First 20 Years and The Missing Link: Socks, Monkeys and Rockford's Industrial Past."

Every 15 minutes a bell rings, which signals when it's time to change stations. We visited a barn where we learned a dance. We also checked out the law, bank, church, blacksmith, and store buildings. It's a nice place to visit if you are studying this time period.

You can view photos of our day here.


Chris said...

We LOVE Midway Village! :O) Last year, we had a yearly membership. Definitely one of my favorite places to visit in the area!


Andi said...

I think a yearly membership would be nice! The place is so big, it's hard to see everything in one day.

Wishful Acres Farm said...

So neat! I used to work nearby and we'd walk their path on lunch break. I've never been inside the buildings, though.
I'll have to wait till the boys are much older.

Rachel said...

Hey, I didn't know you had a blog! I'll have to keep in touch this way. Looks like you had a great time at the Midway Village. Hopefully I'll be able to start doing some cool stuff with you homeschoolers next fall!