Monday, May 4, 2009

Turkey and Bean Stuffed Peppers

I've been having a major recipe crisis lately. I can't seem to make anything new and keep resorting to old favorites. This means that those, once favorite recipes, are not favorites any longer. I used to hear “Yum! Can we have this again sometime!” but now it’s, "Ugh! Do we have to have that again?" So the other day I went through some of my cookbooks to find new ideas.

I have a cookbook called Magic Spices by Donna L. Weihofen. There are so many good, healthy recipes in it. I decided to make Stuffed Peppers. It had been a couple years or more since I last made them, so they qualified. ;-) The recipe calls for 3/4 lb. of lean ground beef, but I used ground turkey instead. They turned out great! The kids actually ate them too! It was almost like chili in a green pepper. I liked that it was quick, easy, and healthy.


Chris said...

This looks so yummy! :O) I have also been having a recipe crisis lately, so I broke out all my cookbooks yesterday. I like looking through cookbooks, I'm weird like that! ;O)


Wishful Acres Farm said...

Yum! Looks great.
I've also had a cooking problem lately, being how do I cook with one boy whining/throwing his drama tantrums, one holding my leg, and one in my arms. Lol.
All things pass!
I'd be happy to loan you some cookbooks as I certainly haven't been using them lately. :-)