Monday, June 15, 2009

Simple Gardening

A couple months ago I started my very own vegetable garden, thanks to my sister-in-law. She gave me lots of tips, let us borrow her tiller, and provided us with some very cool heirloom tomato and pepper plants.

I spent a lot of time hacking at the dirt, preparing it for the seeds. After spending so much time in the dirt, I began to think how amazing this brown/black stuff really is. I mean, we never give it much thought, after all, it's just dirt. But if you actually think about how you can plant a tiny dry seed in the soil and add water and watch it grow, it's amazing to me. I find dirt an odd yet wonderful substance. I don't know, maybe I'm just a little whacked. ;-)

After the seeds were planted, I would check on the garden almost daily. I didn't know what to expect, and I don't think I did everything exactly as the seed package had stated. However, I have to say, I'm quite happy with what I see so far! It has been fun for me (and the kids) to watch the changes each week. I spent some time today weeding it and trying to get some more of the grass out, which was left over after the tilling. It's not bad, for a first year garden. I planted a lot of lettuce, some broccoli, carrots, spinach, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, peppers, and tomatoes. I can't wait until the tomatoes are ready!

I love how this lettuce looks!

Hmm...too bad I didn't label everything. I'm not sure what this is, but it looks good to me!

Daisies. They just looked pretty so I had to include them in the photo line up.


Chris said...

Lovely garden, Andi! Great job! :O)


Andi said...

Thanks Chris!

Wishful Acres Farm said...

Did you buy radish seeds? Looks like it may be radishes. They might be ready to eat. Pull one up and see what you've got, lol!

Andi said...

Nope, I swear I never planted any radishes. I did pull one up today and it was just roots. Could it be broc.? I have no clue. lol! Next time I better label my stuff!